I make stories: in books, online, with other makers, in libraries, galleries, gardens, anywhere. Because stories are everywhere.
If you’re writing a story or a book, introducing immersion into your process, or looking to combine creative practices, I offer one-on-one critique and coaching sessions, tailored to you and your project. One is project-based, longer term coaching, and general cost is $850. The other is more concentrated, based on a sample of your work, and general cost is $250. Please contact me with your details to learn more.
If your organization wants to create an immersive event, a bookstore party, a writers’ retreat, I’m available for consultation. My commissions have included a live-action shadow puppet museum show, a performance installation celebrating Bosch’s 500th anniversary, Bauhaus with human robots, and the frightening art of reading in the dark. Collaborating with artists, dancers, musicians, scent artists, and fire artists, I’ve adapted novels for performance, including Wuthering Heights, Dracula and Alice in Wonderland, along with my own work. I launched Dark Factory and Dark Park in a swank Atlanta recording studio, a green and gritty Detroit lot, and a bespoke cocktail and scent bar, and next, Dark Factory in VR. Please contact me for current schedule and pricing.
It’s all about what we can make together.
[Photo courtesy Charlie Athanas.]