When we make our masks together

A mask reveals as much as it hides: that’s what happens to Felix the DJ in Dark Factory. And when we make the mask ourselves, it’s even more potent.

As I write this we’ve been wearing masks for awhile, to keep us safe, but they remind us too of our own fragility, our mortality: another reason why making a mask just to make us happy seemed like a very good thing to do.

Dark Factory is meant to be something we create together, which is what the mask contest is all about. The template mask, downloadable here, can be worn as is, can be decorated, can be anything you make it to be. Or another template can be used and decorated. I made the first and third masks: one very simple, representing how it feels to me to be immersed in nature, the living silence of the trees; the other how it feels to be on the dancefloor, riding that moving line between chaos and paradise.

The contest prizes are very cool - first prize features a one of a kind wearable from Sofia Zakia (I’ve seen the piece in process and it is gorgeous) - and all skill levels are very welcome. Come and play!

[The beautiful beast, last image, is called Mister Minos, created by talented artist friends for an event I staged called “The Future is Fun.” And I saw the metal sculpture on a trip to northern Michigan. When I hopped back in the car after taking the picture, this artist was playing on the radio . . . ]